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                                                                                 Forgetting Curve

Our study skills course is all research based and centered around understanding the Forgetting Curve which is integral for students to improve their study habits. The Forgetting Curve was founded by Hermann Ebbinhaus, a German psychologist, who pioneered the research in the late 1800's. He found that forgetting occurs rapidly at first and then levels off. The curve shows a sharp decline in recall shortly after learning, followed by a slower decline over time. His research led to the Forgetting Curve which describes how information is lost over time when there is no attempt to retain it.
Curve Shape (See Below): The pictures below illustrate the Forgetting Curve and shows how much you remember over time. It starts steep and then levels off. This means you forget a lot at first, but the rate of forgetting slows down over time. We give students the strategies that level off the Forgetting Curve. Ebbinghaus's research was confirmed over the last century by many psychologists who after their own research still using the term today. It is the basis for all of the strategies used throughout this course.
Forgetting Curve (2).png
Forgetting Curve.png
Study Skills Perth
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